The things I like this week.

Gasp. It's Monday, and you probably are wondering about the things I like. Fear not, you will not be disappointed. 

1. Outdoor movies

The dinosaurs they built for ths movie still hold up to today's standards in my opinion. 

The dinosaurs they built for ths movie still hold up to today's standards in my opinion. 

I have this friend, her name is Amy. Yes, she is the same Amy who sends me letters (still haven't sent mine...I'm sorry...I'll get my life together soon, I promise). She also reads my blogs, and tells me when I have typos. I love that lady. Anyway, back on topic. I have list on my phone of movies that Amy hasn't seen, and this summer she agreed to let me make her watch them. I say let me make her, because I'm not really sure if I was going to give her the option to not watch them. 

Photo credit Kelsey Hicks

Photo credit Kelsey Hicks

Either way we've been doing them outdoor theatre style, projecting them on the side of Amy's house. I'm kind of in love with it. I mean, you can look at the stars and watch a movie. Wonderful. We've watched Jurassic Park, Star Wars IV and V, and tonight we are watching Meet the Robinsons (I know it's not a cinematic staple, but that movie is precious, one of my favorite animated movies.)

2. Legos

Me option 1

Me option 1

I babysat two boys and a baby girl last Saturday along with my friend Emma. One of the boys is obsessed with Legos. It was pretty adorable how he had his different collections in different piles all around the house, and when he was done playing with one set he would put the whole collection in a plastic bag. I have to say the kid might be more organized than me. Which isn't really saying much, I can be a mess sometimes. 

Me option 2

Me option 2

Emma and I made some lego self portraits to share with the world, and they made my heart happy. It also inspired an hour or so of looking at lego pictures on pinterest. I regret nothing. 

3. Thrifting  

Okay, so right now is probably the worst time for me to be spending money, but there is just something I love about thrifting. I think it's because it's unpredictable. You can walk into any given retail store and behind every display, every item of clothing, every piece of furniture, every single product package there are several people (and in some cases hundreds of people) that have spent months researching and designing products and just what it is that they can do to make you buy what they are selling. Don't get me wrong, I'm a designer, I love that these things exist. I'd be sad if they didn't. But there are no rules when it comes to thrift stores, because you can't really prepare for what people decide to get rid of. Some of my recent purchases are two radtastic dresses, a pair of classy brown ankle boots, a jean jacket, and a earthy mug with humming birds on it.    

4. Glitter  

I bought 16 oz. of glitter this week, and I'm not going to apologize for that. 

5. Clean laundry

How can you not love clean clothes? The smell, the feel, the options. I did laundry this week, and I will admit to you that I'm genuinely excited about it. 

6. Star Wars 

This is the movie crew, it was raining so we couldn't watch it outside.  

This is the movie crew, it was raining so we couldn't watch it outside.  

As I stated previously, I'm making Amy watch movies this summer. Last Monday we ventured to a galaxy far, far away and we made sure to bring Amy along with us. The plan was to just watch episode IV, but the gents in attendance were quite convincing in making it a double feature. So Amy got a full dosage of the robot shenanigans of R2-D2 and c3po, the bad-boy charm of Han Solo, the cleverness of Yoda, and the unfortunate 2001 digital updates that is Star Wars. And the good news is, she didn't hate it. So I consider that a win. Also all of this was done on Star Wars' 38th birthday, due to exceptional planning on my part. On top of that my invitation text was pretty clever, so you should be happy about that. 

Popcorn was made.  

Popcorn was made.  

7.  A good morning cup of coffee


Its a great way to start your day, but also eat an apple or something.  

8. Olan Rogers

I'm going to preface this with I have always had a ton of respect for Olan Rogers. From the Balloon Shop days way back when, to his more recent endeavors, I've always been a fan. His humor is typically dead on for me, and I always appreciate how he can take a simple story and make it something hilarious and over the top funny. While his videos are typically funny or cinematically creative, this latest video caught me a little off guard as he used a very conversational tone with his audience. It definitely struck a chord with me. The subject matter is just brilliant, and it really made me think a lot about what I'm doing here in this blog. So that was nice, but also I love it when you have the opportunity see some one talk about something that they love doing. Olan is the real deal, and I have loads of respect for people who have the ability to share what they love in such a genuine way.

Olan you're stellar. 

Now that you've read this go watch all his videos, I mean you can read the rest of this later.  

"The people that are remembered are usually people that aren't the most popular people. They're usually the people that went the other way."     

9.  This Apple Commercial

I vaguely remember this commercial from when I was little...but I watched it more recently in my graphic design history class a few semesters ago, because we were talking about the typeface Garamond, which is what the words "Think different." are set in. I sort of internet stumbled across this commercial a couple nights ago and...I've watched it at least 10 times since then. I've also been thinking a lot about innovators and imitators. So it's quite possible that might become a blog post soon. Just a warning.     

"The people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do."

10. Disco Balls

My friend Olivia took me to a Matt Kearney Concert a few weeks ago, because she's wonderful and she loves me. Also the tickets were free, so there was that. Neither of us were really big Matt Kearney fans, like I knew maybe three songs of his, and Olive knew maybe four. So we both literally went for funzies. The Concert was at Cains Ballroom in Downtown Tulsa, which is a super cool place. Throughout the opening band's set they would randomly turn on this disco ball in the middle of the ballroom, I tried several times to get a good picture of it, because it made me happy. I was unsuccessful at getting one I really loved. Then...something wonderful happened. Matt Kearney disappeared from the stage for a brief moment while he sang. It didn't really catch me off guard, the man is the physical embodiment of chill. Like, I would not have been surprised if he had come back on with a cup of tea to drink while he talked about his next song. But then...then... he came back wielding a medium sized glittery ball. 

I uttered this sentence to Olivia, "Is that a disc...OOOOOOOO...*inhaling high pitched mild screech*"

I got really excited about it, I mean, it looked amazing. I also heart glitter. 


Also the opening band Judah and the Lion was incredibly entertaining. So if you wanted to look them up, I would support you in your decision. 

I will leave you with this picture of them smashing a tambourine. Good day!
