The things I like this week.

Holy crazy week, batman. This one has been a doosie, but I would like you to know that I survived, got my wisdom teeth taken out, and am currently in bed recovering for the next couple of days. It'll be a nice (but unfortunately very painful) change of pace. Maybe thinking about the things I like this week will help.

1. When the peonies bloom


I always notice when my dad's peonies bloom every year, and they never fail to make me smile. 


2. Vintage textile patterns


My friend Abbey and I found a whole ream of this awesome fabric at a vintage sale we went to, and we found it for quite the deal. I love this stuff. And it really aided in our backdrop making for our vintage photo booth at the gathering on main. 


3. Maps

I alway think maps are interesting and cool. I'm also thinking about starting a lot of map projects. 

4. Interactive things

We asked people to tell us their story in 5 words, then we documented it with a Polaroid picture.  

We asked people to tell us their story in 5 words, then we documented it with a Polaroid picture.  

I wholeheartedly believe that the best way to get people interested in your work is to involve them in it. That factor is one of the many things I love about Xm Productions. This week our project was Owasso's gathering on main, and we had all sorts of interactive and interesting things for people to do.

Spraypaint chalk was made.

Spraypaint chalk was made.


5. Funny hats

That's Hannah, she's adorable. 

That's Hannah, she's adorable. 

Whether it's a cowboy hat, or a graduation cap, I'm in. Also I graduated this week, so that was fantastic. 

These artists are just as talented as they are wonderful people. I'm so glad I got to learn, travel, and dream with these absolutely incredible students. 

These artists are just as talented as they are wonderful people. I'm so glad I got to learn, travel, and dream with these absolutely incredible students. 

"Hear ye, hear ye." - Gary Moeller This guy is 89% legend and 11% the lovable grandpa everyone wants in their life.  

"Hear ye, hear ye." - Gary Moeller 

This guy is 89% legend and 11% the lovable grandpa everyone wants in their life.  

It's always great to learn from people who are both incredibly knowledgeable and entertaining, and that would definitely encompass Denny Schmickle. Plus he makes rad patterns, so respect. 

It's always great to learn from people who are both incredibly knowledgeable and entertaining, and that would definitely encompass Denny Schmickle. Plus he makes rad patterns, so respect. 

6. Chalkboards 


In addition to the millions of other things I did this week I drew on 5 chalkboards for the Mother's Day brunch at my church. I loved the challenge and the fact that I could draw a lot of flowers, because Mother's Day.  

The stageing area... 

The stageing area... 


7. Umbrellas

Only it never rains when I have one on hand.  

8. Thunder storms


It has stormed a lot this week because it's spring time in Oklahoma. I wouldn't change a thing though. I like the lightening and thunder. 

9. 30 rock

30 Rock is the best show to go to when you have a lot on your mind grapes.  

It teaches you vauable lessons like:

-never go with a hippy to a second location

-treat every week like its shark week

-you shouldn't use ghost busters for evil


-you can have it all, but also you can't.  

10. My mom


This post would not be complete with out some Mother's Day love. My mom is by far the sweetest person that I have ever had the privilege of knowing, she is unbelievably kind to everyone she meets. She is definitely the greatest mom anyone could ever ask for, and I'm glad she's mine. 


 Now go call your mom, or watch an episode of 30 rock or something. 

Lemon, out. 

The things I like this week: Earth Day Edition

Last Wednesday was Earth Day, and I don't think I've taken note of Earth Day since the third know, that time in your life when you involuntarily celebrated all the obscure days for the sake of education. So in order to make up for my neglecting to observe Earth Day for the past several years, I decided to tribute it with a things I like post. Thus, the things I like this week are mildly earth day themed. Don't overthink it. 

Without further ado...

I present to you...

The things I like: Earth Day edition.

1. My globe necklace

This necklace rings like a bell. It's my theory that a fairy lives inside it, she feeds on sunshine and the hugs of others, but gets angry when you shake her.  

This necklace rings like a bell. It's my theory that a fairy lives inside it, she feeds on sunshine and the hugs of others, but gets angry when you shake her.  

When I started to go to college I soon found that I had a lot of dead time between classes, and this little necklace was found on one of the many adventures I went on during such a slot of dead time. Claremore has, like, a buzzillion antique stores. So, obviously, I had to explore all of them. I found this treasure for only $5... Which admittedly is probably more than I would typically spend on used jewelry, but I loved it, so a purchase was indeed made. I never travel with out it, and it's always my go to necklace.

I totally broke it on earth day... Which was a bit coincidental. Nothing a little glue can't fix. (Insert a joke about continental drift here) 

I totally broke it on earth day... Which was a bit coincidental. Nothing a little glue can't fix. (Insert a joke about continental drift here) 

2. Sunny Saturdays

Killing some time with some coffee, and....uhhh.... Working on this blog post. Awkward.  

Killing some time with some coffee, and....uhhh.... Working on this blog post. Awkward.  

I spent the majority of my Saturday outdoors.  I was doing a bunch of things, but truth be told, even if I wasn't doing things I would have gotten my hammock out and chilled all day. The weather was beyond perfect. 

3. When a puppy loves you


I have this precious friend, and her name is Sarah. She is quite possibly one of my favorite people on the planet. Sarah rescued a puppy this past week and is now trying to find a new home for this sweet girl named Susie. We were all sitting on the ground outside, the puppy snuggled up in Sarah's lap, minutes from a puppy nap when Susie gets up and plops down in mine. My heart was warmed.  

I know you paused your scrolling to look at this precious face. Don't try to deny it.  

I know you paused your scrolling to look at this precious face. Don't try to deny it.  

4. The relaxation of a good nature walk

It has been far too long since I've had a good nature walk. It will happen soon, don't you worry. You should take one too, get off that couch and out of that computer chair, leave your phone in the car and go look at some pretty trees, and clouds, and flowers, and birds, and.... Just go, okay? 

5. Mylar thermal emergency blankets

Xtreme prom has got my brain whirling with ideas of what I could do with this stuff.  

6. Pineapples with friends

I think I'm always going to do this... So you should just get used to it.  

I think I'm always going to do this... So you should just get used to it.  

Do to some miscommunication, a little laziness on my part, and poorly timed fruit cravings, I didn't get to eat any of my last pineapple. I was crushed. Pun intended. After telling my tales of the slight woe I had experienced I came to Owasso and was greeted by pineapple MK II. I was probably a little more excited than one should normally get about fruit. The next day I hung out with some friends and watched some movies, the pineapple was brought. We ate it, and it was delicious. It was indeed everything I wanted in a pineapple. Even though I had to google how to cut it, life skill: learned. Also special thanks to Kevin for giving me a pineapple, and special thanks to the lovely ladies who shared it with me.

7. My plants

I'm not really sure if I have a green thumb or not...but I can keep a plant alive. Or at least my track record for keeping plants alive is good (it's not so great for hermit crabs and fish, but we won't talk about that. RIP David Bowie.). However, I really think it's all do to the fact that I can't finish a glass of water without getting distracted... so my plants get my leftovers. I have 3 plants in my window, a Christmas cactus (that always blooms on thanksgiving), a wondering Jew (that I grew from a leaf I disected in my intro to biology class), and an avocado tree (given to me by one of my teachers at RSU. Her name is Anh-Thuy, so the tree's name is Anh-Tree). I'm trying to plant the top of pineapple MK II, we'll see how that goes, I'll keep you updated on that one.  

8. When you end up driving into the sunset/a really cool cloud formation

I drove from Catoosa to Tulsa, Tulsa to Owasso, Owasso to Claremore, Claremore to Collinsville, Collinsville back home to Catoosa last Thursday. The Claremore to Collinsville trip is when I caught the beginning of the sunset. But also sorry for all …

I drove from Catoosa to Tulsa, Tulsa to Owasso, Owasso to Claremore, Claremore to Collinsville, Collinsville back home to Catoosa last Thursday. The Claremore to Collinsville trip is when I caught the beginning of the sunset. But also sorry for all the driving places, earth. 

I drive a lot, which is not good for the earth. I'll own that one. I will admit to you that driving long distances is, reluctantly, one of my favorite things. Something that makes driving a long distance even better is driving into the sunrise or the sunset. I mean, it's quite obvious to the why of it, but I'll say it anyway, it's beautiful no matter where you are. Also clouds can be pretty anytime of day, so if you're lucky enough to catch one of the millions of lovely displays that can happen on any given day take a minute to enjoy it. 

9. The smell of freshly cut grass

My dad started mowing the lawn this week. It always reminds me of spending all day climbing trees, riding bikes, playing in the dirt, or day dreaming about building forts outside with my brother during the summer.

10. The occasional birds eye view

I really like it when you view something mundane from a new perspective. Kind of like when you have been in a certain environment for a long time and then the occasion arises when you have to stand on a table and you see the entire room from a new perspective...I know the lamest things are interesting to me. Anyway, I got to go to the top of the Williams building in Tulsa about a month ago, and it was seriously one of the coolest things I have gotten to do in a while. 


Thanks for stoping by and reading things. Now go plant a tree... or recycle... or save an animal or something. Happy Earth Day! 

The things I like this week.

Happy Monday. Enjoy this list of things I like. 

1. Rainy days


Its been one of those April weeks where it rains a lot. I honestly don't mind it, it reminds me of Europe. Also sleeping through a thunderstorm is my favorite. I honestly think it makes me sleep better. 

2. Lisa Frank

Because baby animals, bright colors, and glitter have a special place in my nostalgic heart. Plus I found a bunch of stickers at target for $0.30. Score. And if the question is, "Should I bring my Lisa Frank trapper keeper to my college class?" The answer is a most emphatic, "Yes." 

Excuse me while I nerd out.  

Excuse me while I nerd out.  

3. New journals

It's green.  

It's green.  

Few things make me feel so accomplished as closing a journal after filling the last line. And few things fill me with such anxiety as putting the first ink stroke in a new one. Both are good things. 

4. Getting mail with stamps  

My dear friend Amy has been sending me letters, and they never fail to put a smile on my face. Rest assured Amy, I'm about half way through your letter and you will receive it in your mailbox soon (P.s. You're wonderful). Also if you would like to send me letters, and I deem you a worthy and trustworthy individual, I will gladly give you my address.  And possibly return the favor. 

5. Going new places, experiencing new things


I tried something new on Saturday, I went to a poetry slam. It was pretty awesome. Especially considering that I went into it genuinely knowing it was either going to be incredibly lame or utterly fantastic. Luckily, it leaned on the side of utterly fantastic. There was booing when the judges gave poor scores, and cheering when they gave great ones. I also noted that it's good for the soul to see new faces, go new places, and hear new voices. 

6. Rainbow Aviators.

I may be jealous because my pineapple can pull them off better than I can.  

I may be jealous because my pineapple can pull them off better than I can.  

Sometimes I get way too excited about silly things, and that is exactly what happened when I came across rainbow aviators for the first time. And rightfully so, I might add. These were given to me by my good friend Denton... Probably for saving his life or something like that. I'm not a hero, but these glasses certainly make me feel like one. *salutes* Gracias, señor. 

But's like seeing the world through all the filters on instagram, depending on which color you are looking through. Which is wonderful and distracting whilst driving. 


For obvious reasons.

8. Ok Go's Music videos

This is an always thing. If I'm having a humdrum day I like to make a stop by youtube and watch these insane music videos. They make me super happy. You should watch them, so they can make you super happy too.

9. Patterns

I'm always, always obsessed with crazy patterns. So I'm currently exploring that avenue. I mean, what's better than a pineapple? Approximately 126 pineapples displayed in an aesthetically pleasing way, obviously. 

Still on pineapples.

Still on pineapples.

10. Hatitude

Hatitude - The feeling of unmatched confidence one gets from wearing a killer hat. 


Its a thing, tell your friends.  


In conclusion, I will leave you with this 90's blessing.  

May your day be brighter than your trapper keeper, and may its Velcro never wear out.  

The things I like this week.

It's a Monday, and Mondays can be hard. So I figured I would take this opportunity to perk you up with some of the things that made this past week special for me, and/or some of the things that I just straight up like. I've compiled a list, and I hope you enjoy it.

1. Shoes with wheels. Preferably roller blades. 

This week definitely ended on a high note when I had the opportunity to rock some rented roller blades and got to skate in seemingly endless circles with some of my closest friends. I also attempted to teach some people...because apparently the children born after the year 2000 don't make it a habit of roller skating on a regular basis. Sad I know. It was entertaining to say the least, and so full of nostalgia. Even though my knees hate me now, worth it.

2. Relient K

Since the only time I actually listen to a CD anymore is in my car. I decided to load up my 6 CD changer with my scratched up Relient K CD's. Blissful car rides ensue. Also this is what a RK concert should be like.

3. Marbles

I walked into a store that I was 74.9% sure there would be nothing cool in, and found the most beautiful wall of marbles I have ever seen. I can't remember with the store was called, but it was basically pinterest in a room. 

4. Lightroom

I will never view photo editing the same way. Also these are some of the gems from my last senior photo shoot. Abbey is just beyond beautiful.

5. Pineapples

Although I haven't had the chance to doodle a pineapple at this point, I will soon. I was perusing the mall this week with one of my good friends, and pineapples were everywhere. I think it's going to be a summer trend. It kind of makes me smile.

6. Burn Your Portfolio

This book by Michael Janda is pretty stellar. I would highly suggest it to anyone who wants to make a living doing creative things. 

Heres the link to buy it...I know you want to.


7. Wishes

It's that time of year when these little guys are popping up all over the place, and I love it. I also spent a chunk of time blowing wishes into a pond. My friends love me. 

Here's hoping they all come true.

Have a lovely Monday. Remember people who complain about April's showers don't get to enjoy May's flowers (it's a new rule.)