The things I like this week.

It's a Monday, and Mondays can be hard. So I figured I would take this opportunity to perk you up with some of the things that made this past week special for me, and/or some of the things that I just straight up like. I've compiled a list, and I hope you enjoy it.

1. Shoes with wheels. Preferably roller blades. 

This week definitely ended on a high note when I had the opportunity to rock some rented roller blades and got to skate in seemingly endless circles with some of my closest friends. I also attempted to teach some people...because apparently the children born after the year 2000 don't make it a habit of roller skating on a regular basis. Sad I know. It was entertaining to say the least, and so full of nostalgia. Even though my knees hate me now, worth it.

2. Relient K

Since the only time I actually listen to a CD anymore is in my car. I decided to load up my 6 CD changer with my scratched up Relient K CD's. Blissful car rides ensue. Also this is what a RK concert should be like.

3. Marbles

I walked into a store that I was 74.9% sure there would be nothing cool in, and found the most beautiful wall of marbles I have ever seen. I can't remember with the store was called, but it was basically pinterest in a room. 

4. Lightroom

I will never view photo editing the same way. Also these are some of the gems from my last senior photo shoot. Abbey is just beyond beautiful.

5. Pineapples

Although I haven't had the chance to doodle a pineapple at this point, I will soon. I was perusing the mall this week with one of my good friends, and pineapples were everywhere. I think it's going to be a summer trend. It kind of makes me smile.

6. Burn Your Portfolio

This book by Michael Janda is pretty stellar. I would highly suggest it to anyone who wants to make a living doing creative things. 

Heres the link to buy it...I know you want to.


7. Wishes

It's that time of year when these little guys are popping up all over the place, and I love it. I also spent a chunk of time blowing wishes into a pond. My friends love me. 

Here's hoping they all come true.

Have a lovely Monday. Remember people who complain about April's showers don't get to enjoy May's flowers (it's a new rule.)